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Research Team

Graduate Students

Nurasha Fernando, MSc in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips, Nurasha is assessing young adults' knowledge, perceptions and actions related to fertility. 

Cerine Benomar, MSc in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips/Anne Konkle, Cerine is evaluating adverse reproductive health associated with NHANES occupational sectors.

Brianna Sanko, MSc in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips/Erica Phipps/Eric Crighton, Brianna is examining Canadian healthcare trainees/practitioners perceptions of their environmental health training and capacity to practice environmental advocacy with their pregnant patients.. 

Ismail Afolabi , PhD in Population Health. Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips/Shannon Bainbridge, Ismail aims to develop a thesis evaluating perceptions and behaviours of pregnant individuals to help reduce hepatitis B vertical transmission.

Amina Ali, PhD in Population Health. Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips/Shannon Bainbridge, Amina aims to study respectful maternity care/birth satisfaction.

Undergraduate Research Trainees

Bridget Williams, BHSc (Honours)- HSS4901- Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips. Bridget will evaluate infertility risk perceptions in a sample of Ontario young adults.

Caroline Muir, BHSc (Honours)- HSS4901- Supervised by Dr. Karen Phillips. Caroline will explore adverse reproductive health experiences in a sample of Ontario young adults.

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