uOttawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
ReproHealth Lab
-interdisciplinary reproductive health research
Dr. Karen Phillips, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa

Invited Contribution
The impacts of early life exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). KP Phillips. Prenatal Environmental Health Education (PEHE) Forum. November 21-22, 2014. Ottawa, ON.
Infertility: Awareness, Experiences and Perspectives. KP Phillips. International Workshop on Women’s Reproductive Health Research. Improving Women’s Reproductive Health through International and Interdisciplinary Research Partnership April 11-13, 2014. Ottawa, ON.
Infertility treatment and support by complementary and alternative medicine. KP Phillips, E O’Reilly*, M Sevigny*, K-A Sabarre*. Invited to present interdisciplinary women’s health research at the University of Ottawa Workshop on Women’s Reproductive Health Research, June 4, 2013. *research trainees
State-of-the-Art Lecture in Interdisciplinary Research in Reproductive Health Sciences. Presentation: Emotional Impacts of Infertility: Experiences of Canadian Women. KP Phillips, K-A Sabarre, M Sevigny. 29th Annual Ottawa Reproductive Biology Workshop. June 17, 2011.
Maternal Health in the Developing World May 18, 2010. KP Phillips. Invited to present maternal health issues related to G8/G20 propositions to National Youth Caucus, Parliament Hill-West Block.
Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships in Sexual and Reproductive Health. March 24, 2010. KP Phillips. Invited to present interdisciplinary research program at the 2010 University of Ottawa’s Women’s Health Research Day.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education in the National Capital Region, Ottawa, Ontario. December 18, 2008. A Martinez, KP Phillips. Presented research findings and report to the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training as part of their consultative process to revise the Ontario Physical Education and Health Curriculum.
Sexual Health Education in the Ottawa Region: June 10, 2008. A Martinez, KP Phillips. Invited to Planned Parenthood-Ottawa Annual Meeting to provide expert opinion and present research findings relevant to Ottawa community for the purposes of Planned Parenthood program development. Presentation: Sexual health education in the Ottawa region: Challenges and opportunities for community health partners.
Beyond the Abstract: Endocrine Disrupters and Male Infertility: Implications for Clinical Practice. 2008. KP Phillips, N Tanphaichitr. Invitation from Uro-Today to prepare a short article for their website expanding on the clinical implications of our article, (KP Phillips, N Tanphaichitr. (2008) Human exposure to endocrine disrupters and semen quality. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):188-220). UroToday is an online news and education resource developed by world-class leaders in Urology.
Published Abstracts-Presentations
Hajjar J*, Konkle ATM, . Developmental-sensitivity of adrenal glucocorticoid receptor expression to perinatal bisphenol A exposure in male and female rat pups. Poster 67. Parental Brain 2018. Perspectives in Parental Health. July 13-14, 2018. Toronto, ON. p. 96.
Fong-McMaster C, Wilson S, Hajjar JM*, ; Konkle ATM. Perinatal bisphenol A exposure: effects on circulating glucocorticoid level in postpartum dams and neonatal offspring. Poster 65. Parental Brain 2018. Perspectives in Parental Health. July 13-14, 2018. Toronto, ON. p. 94.
Rebecca Chedid*, Karen P. Phillips. Best Practices in Prenatal Health Promotion: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 38th Annual Conference Association for Interdisciplinary Studies 2016. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health, Wellness and Sustainability. October 27 - 29, 2016, Ottawa, ON. p.17.
Karen P. Phillips, Erin O’Reilly*, Marika Sevigny*, Kelley-Anne Sabarre* The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practitioners in the Support and Treatment of Infertility. CFAS 58th Annual Meeting, September 6-9, 2012, Ottawa, ON. * research trainees Abstract FP44
KP Phillips. 2009. Young adults' knowledge, risk perception and attitudes towards infertility. 55th Annual Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Annual Meeting. November 19-21, 2009. Montreal, Quebec. Abstract FP03. p. 184.
A Martinez, KP Phillips. 2008. Empowering girls to challenge sexualized and racialized representations of sexual and reproductive rights. Women’s Worlds 2008: 10th Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. July 3-9, 2008. Madrid, Spain. Abstract 1478. [Electronic program- memory stick].
KP Phillips, T O’Sullivan, C Amaratunga. 2008. Nurses’ perceptions of occupational reproductive risks associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the implications for future outbreaks. 41st Annual Meeting: Society for the Study of Reproduction: Biology of Reproduction-Special Issue. Abstract 341. p. 145.
CA Amaratunga, TL O’Sullivan, D Dow, KP Phillips, W Corneil, L Lemyre, E O’Connor, D Krewski. 2006. Ecological analysis of nurses support needs in large-scale outbreaks. Towards a new public health: An ecological view. Public Health Association of British Columbia. November 27-29, 2006, Vancouver Available: http://www.phabc.org/modules.php?name=Presentations&pa=showpage&pid=94
KP Phillips, T O’Sullivan, C Amaratunga. 2006. Reproductive risks associated with severe acute respiratory infections: Implications for pandemic influenza planning. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Meeting Program. Abstract TP22; p.69
A. Martinez, KP Phillips. 2006. Adolescent sexual health: implementation of sexual and reproductive health curricula in Ottawa secondary schools. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Meeting. Abstract FP22; p.143
Z. Khan†, KP Phillips. 2006. Impact of endocrine disrupter bisphenol A on mouse spermatogenesis. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Meeting. Abstract FP01; p.133. †BHSc student supervised by KP.
Martinez, A, Meneses A, Phillips KP. 2006. La educacion sexual en Canada y Chile: Empoderamiento u control social de las adolescentes? [Sexual education in Canada and Chile: adolescent empowerment and social control] Proceedings for 11th World Congress on Public Health; August 21-25, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Abstract 7392 [Electronic program- CD]
Amaratunga CA, O’Sullivan, TL & the Institute of Population Health CRTI Investigative Team. 2006. Health care professionals as first responders: Preliminary findings for preparedness planning, health, and well being during disasters. Poster published in: Proceedings for the 16th World Conference on Disaster Management, June 18-21, 2006, Toronto, ON.
Amaratunga CA & the Institute of Population Health CRTI Investigative Team*. Caring about health care workers as first responders: enhancing capacity for gender-based support mechanisms in emergency preparedness planning. Proceedings for the 2006 CRTI Summer Symposium June 13-15, 2006, Gatineau Quebec. p. 63-64. *KP co-investigator
K Grigoriev†, KP Phillips. 2006. Health promotion: Eating disorders and health risks. Ontario Women’s Health Council: Enhancing Women’s Health. Conference Program. p. 37. †BSc student-Human Kinetics, supervised by KP.
A Martinez, KP Phillips. 2006. Adolescent sexual health: Implementation of sexual and reproductive health curricula in Ottawa secondary schools. Ontario Women’s Health Council: Enhancing Women’s Health. Conference Program. p. 48
KP Phillips, MC. Walker, M. Weselak. 2005. Geographic variation in semen quality: Meta-analysis of semen quality literature. 38th Annual Meeting: Society for the Study of Reproduction: Biology of Reproduction-Special Issue. p133.
C Amaratunga, T O'Sullivan, M Félix-Bortolotti, W Corneil, K Phillips, R Clarke, E O’Connor, H Smith Fowler, L Lemyre. 2005. Caring about healthcare workers as first responders: Building research capacity to enhance resiliency through emergency preparedness planning. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 20(2):s38. 14th World Congress on Disaster & Emergency Medicine. Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland 16 - 20 May 2005.
C Amaratunga, L Lemyre, R Clarke, K Phillips, D Krewski, W Corneil, T O’Sullivan, E O’Connor, H Smith Fowler. 2005. CRTI 03-0009RD: Caring About Health Care Workers as First Responders: Enhancing Capacity for Gender-Based Support Mechanisms in Emergency Preparedness Planning. Proceedings for the 2005 CRTI Summer Symposium 20-22 June 2005, Gatineau Quebec. p.90.
KP Phillips, KJ Aronson, P Brunet, WG Foster, S Kacew, W Leiss, M Mehta, R Poirier, T Salem, GJ Van Der Kraak, MG Wade, M Walker, DT Wigle, D Krewski. 2003. www.emcom.ca- A risk communication vehicle about endocrine disruption. Biology of Reproduction. 68(Suppl.1) Abstract 59. p.136
KP Phillips, JM Baltz. 2001. Meiotic maturation down-regulates intracellular pH regulation in mouse oocytes. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 3(1). Abstract O-15. p.15.
KP Phillips, MAF Petrunewich, JL Collins, RA Booth, XJ Liu, JM Baltz. 2001. MEK inhibitor U0126 parthenogenetically activates mouse eggs. Biology of Reproduction 64(Supplement 1) Abstract 501. p303.
KP Phillips, M-C Léveillé, P Claman, JM Baltz. 1999. Intracellular pH regulation in human preimplantation embryos. Fertility and Sterility. 72(3) (Supplement 1). Abstract P-427. p.S228.
KP Phillips, JM Baltz 1996. Possible activation of pH regulatory bicarbonate/chloride exchange following fertilization in the mouse. Biology of Reproduction. 54(Supplement 1):72. Abstract 62. p.72
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 2, 2019. Occupational Health and reproductive risks: The relationship between occupational sector and adverse reproductive health experiences. Jane, AA, McGuire, ME, Tanudjaja JF, Durowaye ND, . Winner, Best Undergraduate Poster Prize.
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 2, 2019. The risk of occupational hazards to reproductive health: Risk perceptions of Ontario workers. McGuire, ME, Jane, AA, Tanudjaja JF, Durowaye ND, .
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 3, 2018. Sexual behaviours and risk perception of young Canadian adults travelling abroad. Emmanuelle Gareau,
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 3, 2018. Prenatal class instructor e-survey: Evaluation of prenatal education in the Ottawa region. Rowan Terrell*, Nura Soucy*. Rebecca Chedid,
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 3, 2018. Perceptions, experiences and recommendations of Ottawa prenatal health key informants. Nura Soucy*, Rowan Terrell*, Rebecca Chedid,
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences Student Research Day, University of Ottawa. April 3, 2018. Gestational BPA exposure: Effects on postpartum circulating maternal glucocorticoid levels. Savanah Wilson*, Julia M Hajjar, , Anne TM Konkle
BIM Research Poster Day. University of Ottawa. April 27, 2018. Perinatal BPA exposure: Effects on plasma glucocorticoid levels in neonatal rat offspring. Claire Fong-McMaster*, Julia M Hajjarǂ, Karen P Phillips, Anne TM Konkle
​​​​Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. March 23, 2017. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Assessment of the IARC-defined characteristics as features in the carcinogenesis of glioblastoma multiforme. Al-Hassan Abbas, Karen P. Phillips, James Gomes.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. March 23, 2017. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Assessment of IARC - Identified Characteristics of Human Carcinogens in Prostatic Acinar Adenocarcinoma Pathogenesis. Bilaal Kabir, Karen P. Phillips, James Gomes.
Canadian Association for Neuroscience 10th Annual Meeting. Toronto, May 29 - June 1, 2016. Poster Presentation: The effects of gestational and lactational Bisphenol A exposure on rat pup morphological measurements and on adrenal gland glucocorticoid receptor gene expression. Julia Hajjarǂ, Karen P. Phillips, Anne TM. Konkle. ǂMSc research student co-supervised by KP
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. March 24, 2016. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Assessment of prenatal health content for Canadian online prenatal courses. Rowan Terrell†*, Rebecca ChedidÇ‚, Karen P. Phillips †BHSc and Ç‚MSc research students supervised by KP. *UROP recipient.
Loyer DaSilva Research Chair Research Think Tank: "Strengthening maternal-child health in our community. November 30, 2015. Ottawa, ON. University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Canadian Multijurisdictional Evaluation of Prenatal Health Promotion Content from Public Health Websites. Rebecca ChedidÇ‚, Rowan Terrell†*, Karen P. Phillips †BHSc and Ç‚ MSc research students supervised by KP. *UROP recipient.
International Workshop on Women’s Reproductive Health Research. Improving Women’s Reproductive Health through International and Interdisciplinary Research Partnership April 11-13, 2014. Ottawa, ON. Poster Presentation: Perceptions of environmental determinants of infertility. KP Phillips.
Undergraduate Research Symposium. July 12, 2013. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Testicular StAR expression is increased following bisphenol A exposure. Thaísa Freitas Carvalho de Lima†, KP Phillips.*BHSc research assistant supervised by KP
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. April 4, 2013. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Optimization of real-time quantitative PCR protocol for determining gene expression in mouse testis. CE Visentin†, PS Mirzakhalili, KP Phillips. †BHSc research assistant supervised by KP
University of Ottawa’s Women’s Health Research Day. March 13, 2013. Poster Presentation: “I’ve failed as a woman”: Self-perceptions of infertile women in the Middle-East. P Sadat Mirzakhalili†, KP Phillips. †BHSc research assistant supervised by KP
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. March 29, 2012. Ottawa, ON University of Ottawa. Poster Presentation: Perceptions, Experiences and Emotional Supports for Male Infertility, a review. F Crawley†*, KP Phillips. †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP. *UROP recipient.
Canadian Society for Epidemiology & Biostatistics National Student Conference. June 19 -20, 2011. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Olivia Remes†, Amanda N. Whitten†, Kelley-Anne Sabarre†, KP Phillips. Human papillomavirus (HPV) awareness among young adults. †BHSc student supervised by KP.
29th Annual Ottawa Reproductive Biology Workshop. June 17, 2011. Poster Presentation: Human papilloma virus (HPV) awareness among young adults. O Remes§, AN Whitten†, KA Sabarre†, KP Phillips. *1st Place Best MSc Student Poster Presentation Award †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Symposium. University of Ottawa, March 29, 2011. Poster Presentation: Treating infertility from a complementary and alternative medicine perspective. E O’Reilly†*, M Sevigny†, KA Sabarre†, KP Phillips. †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP. *UROP recipient.
Communication and Sexual Health: More than Words. 32nd Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference June 12-13, 2010. Poster Presentation: “I wouldn’t feel woman enough,” A qualitative survey of perceptions of infertility. AN Whitten†, O Remes§, KA Sabarre†, KP Phillips. †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP.
2010 University of Ottawa Women’s Health Research Day. Ottawa, March 24, 2010. Poster Presentation: Young adults' awareness of STIs as risk factors for infertility. O Remes§, AN Whitten†, KA Sabarre†, KP Phillips. *2nd Place Best Student Poster Presentation Award †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP.
2010 University of Ottawa Women’s Health Research Day. Ottawa, March 24, 2010. Poster Presentation: “I wouldn’t feel woman enough,” A qualitative survey of perceptions of infertility. AN Whitten†, O Remes§, KA Sabarre†, KP Phillips. *1st Place Best Student Poster Presentation Award †§BHSc research assistants supervised by KP.
27th Annual Ottawa Reproductive Biology Workshop. Ottawa, May 6, 2009. Poster Presentation: Human papilloma virus (HPV) awareness among young adults. 2009. O Remes†, KP Phillips. †BHSc student supervised by KP.
27th Annual Ottawa Reproductive Biology Workshop. Ottawa, May 6, 2009. Poster Presentation: Exposure to bisphenol A and diethylstilbestrol reduces GPR30 mRNA expression in mouse testes. R Bose†, KP Phillips. *1st Place Best MSc/BSc Student Poster Presentation Award. †BHSc student supervised by KP.
2009 University of Ottawa Women’s Health Research Day. Ottawa, May 5, 2009. Poster Presentation: Human papilloma virus (HPV) awareness among young adults. O Remes†, KP Phillips. *1st Place Best Student Poster Presentation Award. †BHSc student supervised by KP.
University of Ottawa Undergraduate Biochemistry Poster Session. Ottawa, 2008. Poster Presentation: Effects of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A on steroidogenic gene expression in the mouse. N Azzi†, K Phillips. †BSc student-Biochemistry supervised by KP.
An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Towards an Empowering Sexual and Reproductive Health Education for Canadian Adolescents; Pan-Canadian Workshop, Ottawa, March 14- 15, 2008. Presentation: Sexual citizenship or racialized heterosexism? Cultural and political foundations of teen sexual health education in the Ottawa region, A Martinez, KP Phillips
CIHR/BC Mental Health Association Conference. Vancouver, May 17-18, 2007. Poster presentation. They don’t even want you living on your own street! CA Amaratunga, TL O’Sullivan, KP Phillips, L Lemyre, W Corneil, E O’Connor, D Krewski.
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium. 2005. Poster presentation. Development of a health promotion activity: Health risks associated with eating disorders. K Grigoriev†, KP Phillips. †BSc student- Human Kinetics supervised by KP.
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium. 2005. Poster presentation. Geographic variation in semen quality: Meta-analysis of semen quality literature. KP Phillips, MC. Walker, M. Weselak.
Endocrine Toxicants: Ecological and Population Health Impacts. 2005. EM-COM: Risk communication of potential health risks associated with endocrine disrupters. KP Phillips
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium. 2004. Poster presentation Caring about healthcare workers as first responders: Enhancing capacity for gender-based support mechanisms in emergency preparedness planning. C Amaratunga, D Krewski, L Lemyre, R Clarke, W Corneil, KP Phillips, T O’Sullivan, E O’Connor, H. Smith Fowler
Canadian Workshop on Human Reproduction and Reproductive Biology: From Physiology to Genes to Therapy. 2004. Poster Presentation. www.emcom.ca- A risk communication vehicle about endocrine disruption. KP Phillips, KJ Aronson, P Brunet, WG Foster, S Kacew, W Leiss, M Mehta, R Poirier, T Salem, GJ Van Der Kraak, MG Wade, M Walker, DT Wigle, D Krewski
University of Ottawa Applied Health and Social Research Symposium. 2003. Poster presentation. www.emcom.ca- A risk communication vehicle about endocrine disruption. KP Phillips, KJ Aronson, P Brunet, WG Foster, S Kacew, W Leiss, M Mehta, R Poirier, T Salem, GJ Van Der Kraak, MG Wade, M Walker, DT Wigle, D Krewski
Diálogo nacional promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva en la reforma del sector salud. [A National Dialogue for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform] 2003. Santiago, Chile. La salud de las mujeres en Canada. [Women’s health in Canada] A. Martinez, K.P. Phillips, C. Amaratunga, L. Lemyre.
Society of Toxicology 35th Annual Symposium. Montreal, Quebec 2002. Poster presentation. www.emcom.ca- An internet-based information resource designed as a vehicle for risk communication on endocrine modulating substances. KP Phillips, KJ Aronson, P Brunet, WG Foster, S Kacew, W Leiss, M Mehta, R Poirier, T Salem, GJ Van Der Kraak, MG Wade, M Walker, DT Wigle, D Krewski
19th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 2000. HCO3-/Cl- exchanger activity is regulated by a MAPK‑dependent pathway during meiotic maturation and fertilization in the mouse. KP Phillips, JL Collins and JM Baltz.
Gordon Research Conference: Fertilization & Activation. 1999. Poster presentation. Upregulation of anion exchange activity at fertilization in the mouse. KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
18th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1999. Oral presentation. Intracellular pH regulation in human preimplantation embryos. KP Phillips, M-C Léveillé, P Claman and JM Baltz.
18th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1999. Poster presentation. pH regulation in different strains of mouse embryos. CL Steeves, KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
17th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1998. Oral presentation. Upregulation of anion exchange activity at fertilization in the mouse. KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
Gordon Research Conference: Fertilization & Activation. 1997. Poster presentation. Upregulation of anion exchange activity at fertilization in the mouse. KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
16th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1997. Oral presentation. Upregulation of anion exchange activity at fertilization in the mouse. KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
16th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1997. Poster presentation. Effect of SNARF-1 on electrophysiological properties and development of mouse eggs and zygotes. WL Zhou, KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
15th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1996. Poster presentation. Possible Activation of pH Regulatory Bicarbonate/Chloride Exchange Following Fertilization in the Mouse. KP Phillips and JM. Baltz
Gordon Research Conference:Fertilization. 1995. Poster presentation Does A pHi Change Accompany Egg Activation? KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
14th Annual Reproductive Biology Workshop. 1995. Poster presentation Does A pHi Change Accompany Egg Activation? KP Phillips and JM Baltz.
1. Hosted by Dr. Karen Phillips and Dr. Angus McMurty (Co-Chairs), the 38th Annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference took place at the University of Ottawa in Canada (October 27-29, 2016); the first non-US location for this conference. The theme of the conference, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health, Wellness and Sustainability, recognizes that health, wellness and sustainable communities are crucial and complex phenomena that require
diverse insights from multiple stakeholders. This international conference facilitated discourse on a number of health-related topics including aging, indigenous communities and reproductive health as well as topics more traditional to the AIS including interdisciplinary approaches to education, curriculum design and pedagogy.
2. Hosted by Dr. Karen Phillips and Dr. Andrea Martinez (Co-Chairs), a workshop entitled An Interdisciplinary Dialogue towards an Empowering Sexual and Reproductive Health Education for Canadian Adolescents (March 14-15, 2008) brought together researchers, community health partners and policymakers in the field of adolescent sexual health. The workshop emphasized key areas for discussion including the need to incorporate the construction, meaning and negotiation of racial/ethnic and sexual (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) identities in pedagogical approaches, reflections on the reliance of current sexual education on a risk paradigm that emphasizes the negative outcomes of sexual activity (unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, HIV-AIDS), and finally, the knowledge transfer and accessibility of relevant community experiences to teachers and school administrators.
3. The Health Sciences Program, Faculty of Health Sciences together with the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment hosted a one-day workshop (October 28, 2005) to facilitate research collaborations, priority settings and discussions on the issue of endocrine toxicants. The Endocrine Toxicants: Ecological and Population Health Impacts Workshop (Karen Phillips, Co-Chair) focused on human health and environmental research on endocrine toxicants with sessions on industry and government perspectives and risk communication of potential adverse human health effects associated with endocrine toxicants. A forum to identify priority issues for endocrine toxicant research closed the workshop.
Elle Canada.. 2010. p. 210-212. KP Phillips interviewed for A Fine Balance: Could Hormones be Sabotaging Your Health? Michelle Villett.
Toronto Star. April 21, 2006. KP Phillips interviewed for A Toxic Life Nancy J. White.
Catalyst: The magazine of Canada’s chemical producers. 3(1):8-9. 2006. KP Phillips interviewed for Health and Chemicals: Separating Fact from Fiction. Harvey F. Chartrand.